Maryland's Original Destination
We are St. Mary's
We are a place where forests, fields, and farms meet rivers, streams, and creeks that flow to the stunning Chesapeake Bay. It was here that European settlers seeking a place free from religious persecution sought refuge in a land new to them and home to native people who had hunted the rich woodlands and fished the abundant waterways for thousands of years.

We are a place where history was made as the first capital of the colony that would later become the state of Maryland. Settlers made this place their home and built a life around the richness of the land and water. Our complex story is one of the original achievements, remarkable challenges, and marked changes that framed the early history of our state and country.

We are a place apart, yet a place deeply connected to the thriving east coast of America. Today, many who make this their destination find a vibrant county seat rich with independent shops and restaurants, dynamic and growing places, and small crossroads communities. Yet it is the beauty and wonder of our land and water that leaves the most astounding impression.

We are a place to take in the sunrise over the bay, walk in the forests, boat along the rivers, explore our museums, visit a working farm, eat local food, sip a glass of wine, and take a deep breath to escape the hustle and bustle of life. We invite you to see why we are an original place worth discovering and exploring again and again.