Labor Day Fishing Extravaganza
The bay is alive with fish!
From the white perch, puppy drum, and even spot and croaker eager to take your Beetle Spin in the creeks, to huge cobia in the bay and Blue catfish in the Potomac.

Talk about summer Tropicals! A manatee in the St. Mary's river.
Spanish mackerel and bluefish are fighting over your trolled spoons or surgical eels from Cove Point to Smith Point. Spanish were even caught breaking in the St. Mary's River near the mouth of Carthagena Creek last week.

Spanish mackerel, Bluefish, and cobia all in play now! Out of Solomons.

Carl Butler with a big mackerel caught out of Solomon's last week.
Cobia are hit or miss, mostly miss; but enough have been caught to keep hope alive. We have until Sep. 15 to get that trophy. Chummers and trollers are getting hits.

Dennis Day trolled surgical eel lure near the Target Ship on Saturday and landed this 48 inch Cobia.
White perch are now active in the creeks and rivers, and they are getting bigger. Got a nice catch on the falling tide on Sunday afternoon with several between 10 and 11 inches. There have been puppy drum in droves, but they have scattered a bit.

Ken Lamb with catch of perch Sunday.

Puppy drum like this are everywhere in Southern Maryland. Most are undersized as the minimum is 28 inches.
Slot reds are lurking in the shallows along with some hefty 20 to 24 inch rockfish. They love bone-colored swimming plugs. Speckled trout and flounder have made a showing this week in various locations.

These flounder are getting bigger and more numerous.

Alex is catching hefty rockfish from the shore on top water poppers in the Patuxent.
The blue catfish in the Potomac are off the charts. Huge catfish are the norm just south of the 301 bridge. They love fresh alewife. 40 to 60 pound catfish are caught daily.

Roy Bradfield continues to catch huge blue catfish in the Potomac near the 301 Bridge.

Blue cats up to 60 pounds!
Spot and croaker are carpeting the Patuxent River bottom. Most of the croaker are not up to the 9 inch minimum, but the 10 to 12 inchers are increasing. Spot are very good sized, approaching jumbo. Crabs are big and plentiful.

The Shea D Lady out of Solomons is having great catches daily.
It appears that Idalia will not approach our area, and the weather forecast is perfect for the entire Labor Day Weekend. Let's go FISHING!