July 11th, 2018: A Smattering of Cobia
Spot. Spot, Spot.
Lure casters are using tiny spinner baits that can be tipped with bits of bloodworms or crab. Bottom fishermen in the bay and rivers are finding the Perch in deeper water (20 to 40 feet) hitting on bloodworms, squid, and shrimp. Some Spot and Croaker are mixed in with the Perch.
Stripers are in the shallows at dusk and dawn in the Patuxent and Potomac hitting topwater lures and swimming crankbaits. The Potomac has turned on in the late afternoon bite from Cobb Island to the north of Aqua Land. These are a good grade of fish from 22 to 28 inches and eager. There is action on these Rockfish on the Virginia side of the Potomac too.
Catfish are still taking cut bait in the Potomac at Bushwood Wharf. The Perch have moved into this area too and will bite at sunset most days. The Benedict area of the Patuxent has plenty of big Catfish.
Croaker and Spot are hit or miss in most locations. We should get a Spot run in the Patuxent soon.
Cobia are making a headline run in the lower Bay below Smith Point. A smattering of Cobia has worked their way up to the Middle Grounds and the Target Ship. We hope more are on the way along with big bull Redfish.
Bass and Bluegill are very active in St. Mary's Lake.
Ken Lamb with a catch of Perch in a creek off the Patuxent
Mike Bayliss with an 11 inch Croaker from Solomons Island
Julie Tomasik with an early morning Rockfish from the Patuxent.
Snapper blues hitting colorful spoons in the Bay near Cedar Point
A fine catch of White Perch and Rockfish near Cedar Point