Fourth of July Fishing

Spot continue to dominate the fishing news.

There are spot in the creeks, rivers, and bay in huge numbers. If you can see water in St. Mary's County, you are in the presence of spot. The best-sized spot are in the mouth of the Patuxent at Sandy Point, Green Holly, Town Point, Kingston Hollow, Hawk's Nest and most any oyster bar all the way to Wayson's Corner. In the bay, east of the Patuxent crab pot line there are spot at the three-legged, Hog Point, Second Beach, and Drum Point. In the northern regions of the Patuxent there are schools of white perch that outnumber the spot. Spot love bits of bloodworm on a spinner hook. They will eat most anything - bits of night crawler, lug worm, shrimp, squid, etc.

Trish Ribail catching spot two at a time in Harper's Creek, Patuxent River.

In the shallow water, shore fishermen find plenty of spot and puppy drum. There are tiny croaker in the mix and some bigger croaker are creeping into the lower Potomac. Spot are in Bushwood off the public pier and on the oyster bars around Cobb Island.

Makhai Hanna and his 9 inch croaker from Cherryfield point in the Potomac.

There were good catches of stripers in the early morning last Friday and Saturday by lure casters at Hog Point and Fishing Point. The fish were plentiful and eager to take swimming plugs, paddle tail jigs, and top water poppers. The rockfish are on all the points and structure for lure casters in both Potomac and Patuxent. Moving tides and the cool of the evening and daybreak are best. Trollers are finding rockfish on the oyster bars using single and tandem bucktails, and small umbrellas, in 20 to 40 feet of water.

Ian Ribail smiles over a hefty perch.

Slot reds (18" to 27" in MD; 18" to 25" in Potomac) are in schools cruising the shallows looking for bait fish and will take most any lure intended for rockfish or perch. The puppy drum (redfish under 18 inches) are common to the point of annoyance for perch seekers in the creeks.

Ben and Hunter Windsor caught this slot red in Breton Bay Saturday afternoon along with 44 eating sized white perch.

Cobia reports were very good this week. Cobia chasers can be secretive in methods and location. We have seen many photos of big cobia this week from the bay. Many troll big surgical eels, but most are chumming and using cut bait or live spot to hook the fish. Live eels are very good too, but seem to work best a little later in the season.

Jarden and Keith Andrew caught cobia below Target Ship chumming with hooks baited with cut, fresh alewife.

Greg Tippett found a small break in the windy weather and caught this fine cobia along with several others last Thursday. Below Target Ship; chumming.

There are chopper bluefish (4 to 8 pounds) in the bay, but they are elusive. Easy to catch when located. The same goes for big bull reds in the 35-to-55-pound range. The big reds play hide and seek, but are growing in number daily.

Paige Ribail with typical puppy drum that are everywhere in Southern Maryland waters.

Fresh water fishing is excellent. Bass, bluegill, pickerel, yellow perch, and crappie are thick in St. Mary's Lake.

Ron Walker leads the Tackle Box big perch contest with this 10 1/4 inch beauty.

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