As Good As It Gets!

The big storm that wiped out the first of the week with rain, tide surge, and wind promised to be a spoiler for fishing once it passed.

But Thursday came and sunshine returned. The fish responded with numbers and an appetite that amazed us all.

Miss Susie Charters found bluefish trolling out of Solomons.

Rockfish were hitting lures in the Patuxent, at the Cove Point Nuclear Plant out fall, and in Piney Point. Breaking fish were observed and poppers and Bomber Wind Cheaters were gobbled up by hungry fish.

Bull reds caught jigging on structure last Friday neat Tangier, mid-bay.

Cobia there too!

The white perch and puppy drum were eager to take bait and spinners in the creeks and rivers.

Redfish in Patuxent.

Trout, blues, rockfish, and puppy drum were eating soft plastics at Point Lookout in the Cornfield Harbor area.

Rockfish are back at Calvert Cliffs.

Slot reds were taking lures and bait in the Patuxent near Fishing Point at the old seaplane basin that has recently been opened to fishermen on the Naval Air Station. A 17 inch croaker was caught there Thursday on shrimp offered on a double hook bottom rig.

Bluefish at Calvert Cliffs Power Plant.

Spot and croaker in miniature size are everywhere. Their bigger elders are around, but can be hard to find.

Puppy drum at Point Lookout.

Blues are still here and taking trolled surgical eel lures mid bay. An occasional cobia is mixed with the blues, but they are heading south fast. The lower bay has cobia and bull reds in profusion below the Target Ship and into Virginia waters.

Trout at Point Lookout.

Let's all take advantage of this fabulous fishing. Cold winter approaches.

Eric Packard landed lovely 25 inch rockfish in the Patuxent Thursday.

The mackerel have skedaddled south, heading to the Atlantic.

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