Travel and History
Features in the Media
Read external articles and stories about history and travel in Maryland's Original Destination!

Getaway Mavens top picks for the most Romantic Hotels in Northeast US this year include Pier450 in Ridge, Maryland. Getaway Mavens are romantic getaway experts, and they were busy throughout 2024, staying in boutique hotels, inns, and Bed and Breakfasts all over the world.

Al Spoler visits the veteran owned Tobacco Barn Distillery in St. Mary’s Maryland. Voted 2023’s #1 Farm Distillery Bourbon in America, Al gets more than a wee taste of what it takes to be a self-sustaining farm distillery. Tune in around the 16-minute mark.

There are bountiful things to do in St Mary’s County MD according to Malerie Yolen-Cohen from Getaway Mavens. It's a “can’t get there from here” section of Southern Maryland, bounded on three sides by water – the Potomac and Patuxent Rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay.

Reflect on Southern Maryland's history with podcast host Phoebe Judge as she tells the story of three men who filed lawsuits in the General Court of Maryland in 1791. They were all suing the same person: the Jesuit priest who enslaved them.

If you ever need to escape “real life” – to feel a bay breeze on your face, and sip wine with your toes squiggling in the sand of a makeshift beach while watching a glorious sunset – Malerie Yolen-Cohen recommends staying at Pier450 in teeny Ridge MD.

Learn about Historic St. Mary's City from Lauren Kershner who writes for Islands, an online and print travel planning publications.